Install scsitools
and hdparm
If your eSATA drive is not detected when you plug it in, there are some options to solve the issue without reboot with the eSATA plugged in.
Option 1a
# echo 0 0 0 | tee /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/scan
[Detect new eSATA drives - ArchWiki].
Option 1b
# rescan-scsi-bus
2. Mount disk
1. Unmount disk(s)
2. Force drive to enter the standby mode
# hdparm -y /dev/sdb
3a. Power drive off, or
3b. If you want to spin drive up again
# sg_sat_set_features -f 7 /dev/sdb
Power-up HDD in standby - Arch Linux Forums
HDD Power-Up in Standby - Super User