Fedora developers update packages frequently. Usually, the new packages are working properly and there is no need to look back, but in rare occasions a new package can misbehave and you would like to roll back to the previous version. Where the older package can be found?
All officially built packages can be downloaded from Fedora Buildsystem (koji). If you like to keep the installed packages yourself, you have to change /etc/yum.conf
and set keepcache=1
. By default, yum does not keep packages in cache that is located in /var/cache/yum/
$ yum repolist all
# yum --disablerepo=〈repo-name〉
$ yum --enablerepo=updates-testing list updates
# yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update 〈package〉
# yum --exclude=〈package〉 update
# yum update 〈package〉 --downloadonly --downloaddir=〈dir〉
$ yumdownloader --source 〈package〉
# yum localinstall 〈path-to-package〉
$ yum list 〈package-name〉\*
$ yum search 〈keyword〉
$ yum provides "*/〈file-name〉"
$ repoquery --nvr --whatprovides 〈file-name〉
$ yum list extras
or $ package-cleanup --orphans
list packages installed on the system that are not available in any known repository.
yum list installed | grep 〈repo-name〉
adds the options --security
, --cve
, --bz
and --advisory
flags to yum and the list-security and info-security commands. The options make it possible to limit list/upgrade of packages to specific security relevant ones.
$ yum list-security | sort
or $ yum list-security bugzillas | sort
$ yum info-security FEDORA-2013-xxxx
# yum update --advisory FEDORA-2013-xxxx
$ yum-plugin-changelog
allows to look in package changelogs.
$ yum changelog 〈number〉
show chosen number of package changes.
The history of changes made by yum
is stored in /var/log/yum.log
# yum history list all
# yum history info 〈id-number〉
# yum history undo 〈id-number〉
# yum history redo 〈id-number〉
To disable certain packages from being installed it is needed to add exclude
list into /etc/yum.conf
or to .repo
(repository configuration) in /etc/yum.repos.d/
The syntax is as follows:
exclude=package1 packages2* packages3?
$ yum -v grouplist
$ yum groupinfo development-tools
# yum groupremove "Tibetan Support"
or # yum remove @tibetan-support
The old kernels can by removed by package-cleanup
from yum-utils
package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=2
To make amount of installed kernels permanent, set installonly_limit=2
in /etc/yum.conf