zsh Shortcuts

Line Editor

Line Editor


Alt+b or Esc,b : backward-word
move to the beginning of the previous word
Alt+f or Esc,f : forward-word
move forward one word
Ctrl+a : beginning-of-line
move to the beginning of the line
Ctrl+e : end-of-line
move to the end of the line


Ctrl+w or Ctrl+Alt+h : backward-kill-word
kill the word left from the cursor
Alt+d or Esc,d : kill-word
kill the word right from the cursor
Ctrl+u : kill-whole-line
kill the current line
Ctrl+k : kill-line
kill from the cursor to the end of the line
: backward-kill-line
kill from the cursor to the end of the line


Alt+l or Esc,l : down-case-word
convert the current word to all lowercase and move cursor to the end of word
Alt+u or Esc,u : up-case-word
convert the current word to all caps and move cursor to the end of word
Alt+c or Esc,c : capitalize-word
capitalize the current word and move cursor to the end of word
Ctrl+t : transpose-chars
exchange left and right to the cursor characters. If cursor is at the end of line, then exchange two last characters
Alt+t or Esc,t : transpose-words
exchange the current word with the one before it


Ctrl+x,u or Ctrl+Alt+_ : undo
undo the last text modification

Command History

Ctrl+r : history-incremental-search-backward
Search in the command history backward
Ctrl+p : up-line-or-history
move to the previous event in the history list
Ctrl+n : down-line-or-history
move to the next event in the history list
Alt+p : history-search-backward
search backward in the history for a line with the string in the buffer
Alt+n : history-search-forward
search forward in the history for a line with the string in the buffer
Ctrl+g or Ctrl+Alt+g : send-break
abort the search


The Z Shell Manual